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(1)      航空复合材料冲击动力学:研究以夹芯结构 (Sandwich Structures)、纤维增强金属层合板(Fiber Metal Laminates) 、 碳纤维层合板(Carbon Fiber Laminates)为代表的抗冲击性能。

(2)      轻量化结构设计及抗鸟撞冲击评估:冲击吸能结构、失效机理及鸟撞评估(Lightweight Structures, Energy-Absorbing Behaviour, Bird Strike, Failure mechanism.)

(3)      复合材料设计制造一体化、结构功能一体化:先进制造及缺陷控制理论、复合材料增材制造、石墨烯增韧、新能源储能等特殊功能研究。

(4)      材料成型理论及缺陷控制、多尺度建模及数值仿真Composite Forming Limit Diagram,Multiscale Finite Element Method)

(5)      结构力学及摩擦焊机技术Structural Mechanics and Friction Welding Technology.

周晋,教授、博士生导师,国家青年特聘教授。毕业于英国利物浦大学获博士学位,先后在剑桥大学及帝国理工从事航空复合材料研究工作,主要方向为航空复合材料冲击动力学、设计制造及功能结构一体化、轻量化结构设计、失效机理及缺陷控制理论研究。研究成果应用于商用客机及工业快速成型制造。主要成果发表在复合材料领域期刊Composites Science and Technology、Composite Structures、Composite Part B 等。曾在英国工业界担任高级结构工程师主持结构力学优化课题及摩擦焊接技术研发应用,取得包括英国、德国、美国、阿联酋等国家多项技术许可。

1.       航空复合材料夹芯结构抗冲击性能研究。

The Impact Response of Foam-based Sandwich Structures.

2.       纤维金属层合板抗冲击性能研究。

The Impact Resistance of Fiber Metal Laminate (Funded by Leverhulme Trust).

3.       轻量化复合材料吸能结构设计及抗冲击评估。

The Energy-Absorbing Behaviour of Composite Reinforced Lightweight Structures.

4.       复合材料成型理论研究及多尺度建模仿真。

EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research – Composite Forming Limit Diagram (EP/P006701/1)

5.       结构力学及摩擦焊机技术工程应用。

Structural Mechanics and Friction Welded Coupler for Reinforcement. (UK CARES, Germany DIBT, UAE-DCL)



1.   Zhou J., Hassan M.Z, Guan ZW and Cantwell W.J. The Low Velocity Impact Response of Foam-based Sandwich Panels. Composites Science and Technology. 2012; 72(14):1781-1790.

2.   Zhou J, Guan Z.W., and Cantwell W.J., The Impact Response of Graded Foam Sandwich Structures. Composite Structures. 2013; 97:370-377.

3.   Zhou J., Guan Z.W., Cantwell W.J. and Liao Y., The Energy-Absorbing Behaviour of Foam Cores Reinforced with Composite Rods. Composite Structures. 2014; 116: 346–356.

4.    Al Antali A., Umer R., Zhou J. and Cantwell W.J. The Energy-absorbing Properties of Composite Tube-Reinforced Aluminum Honeycomb. Composite Structures. 2017; 176:630-639.

5.   Zhou J., Guan Z.W., and Cantwell W.J. The Energy-Absorbing Behaviour of Composite Tube-reinforced Foams. Composites Part B. 2018;139, 227-237.

6.    Zhou J., Guan Z.W., and Cantwell W.J., Scaling Effects in the Mechanical Response of Sandwich Structures Based on Corrugated Composite Cores. Composites Part B. 2016; 93: 88-96.

7.    Umer R., Rao S., Zhou J., Guan Z. and Cantwell W.J. The Low Velocity Impact Response of Graphene Modified Composites Manufactured using Automated Dry Fiber Placement. Polymers and Polymer Composites, 2016; 24.4: 233-240.

8.    Umer R., Rao S., Zhou J., Guan Z. and Cantwell W.J. The Mechanical Properties of 3D Woven Composites. Journal of Composite Materials. 2017;5(12):1703-1716.

9.    Zhou J., Guan Z.W., and Cantwell W.J., The Influence of Strain-rate on The erforation Resistance of Fiber Metal Laminates. Composite Structures. 2015; 125:247–255. 

10.  Kaboglu Cihan, Mohagheghian Iman, Zhou Jin, Guan Zhongwei, Cantwell Wesley, John Sabu, Blackman Bamber, Kinloch Anthony, Dear John. High-velocity impact deformation and perforation of fibre-metal laminates. Journal of Materials Science 2018;53(6), 4209-4228




