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吴志强,男,博士,副教授,中加生物质中心成员,中国化工学会工程热化学专委会青年委员。主要从事生物质及煤热解产物品质调控及高质化利用研究,焦油催化提质及煤与生物质共热化学转化。在共热解焦结构特性表征及品质调控方面的研究具有良好的学术积累,并初步取得了一定成果。目前主持国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目、中国博士后基金面上项目及特别资助项目、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目、陕西省自然科学基础研究计划等6项课题,作为主要成员参与了“碳基能源低碳转化利用及低成本碳减排技术装备开发”及企业委托的横向课题在内的多项相关科研课题的研究工作。累计在Bioresource TechnologyEnergy&FuelsFuelEnergy conversion and management等学术期刊及该领域相关会议(ASME Power conference等)上发表研究论文二十余篇,其中以第一作者发表SCI论文14篇,3篇入选ESI高被引论文;






1.  国家重点研发计划子课题-“移动床内高温渣粒气-固换热特性研究”,主持.

2.  国家自然科学基金青年基金-“生物质主要组分对共热解焦理化结构与气化特性的影响机制”,主持.

3.  中国博士后科学基金特别资助-“煤与微藻生物质共热解焦生成规律及理化特性演变机理”,主持.

4.  中国博士后科学基金面上项目,“煤与生物质共热解焦表面及微晶结构演变与气化行为研究”,主持.

5.  陕西省自然科学基础研究计划,“碳基复合催化剂调控低阶粉煤热解焦油品质构效关系研究” ,主持.

6.  陕西省留学人员科技活动择优资助项目,低阶煤与微藻生物质共热解官能团演变规律及产物调控机制,主持


[1]      Zhiqiang Wu, Wangcai Yang, Xueyu Tian, Bolun Yang*. Synergistic effects from co-pyrolysis of low-rank coal and model components of microalgae biomass. Energy Conversion and Management 2017,135: 212-225. (ESI高被引论文)

[2]      Zhiqiang Wu, Yang Wangcai, Lin Chen, Haiyu Meng, Jun Zhao, Shuzhong Wang*. Morphology and microstructure of co-pyrolysis char from bituminous coal blended with lignocellulosic biomass: Effects of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Applied Thermal Engineering 2017, 116: 24-32 (ESI高被引论文)

[3]      Zhiqiang Wu, Shuzhong Wang*, Jun Zhao, Lin Chen, Haiyu Meng. Thermochemical behavior and char morphology analysis of blended bituminous coal and lignocellulosic biomass model compound co-pyrolysis: Effects of cellulose and carboxymethylcellulose sodium. Fuel 2016, 171: 65-73. (ESI高被引论文)

[4]      Zhiqiang Wu, Yaowu Li, BoZhang, Wangcai Yang, Bolun Yang. Co-pyrolysis behavior of microalgae biomass and low-rank coal: kinetic analysis of the main volatile products. Bioresource Technology (Accept, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2018.09.076)

[5]      Zhiqiang Wu, Wangcai Yang, Yaowu Li, Bo Zhang, Bolun Yang*. On-line analysis on the interaction between organic compounds from co-pyrolysis of microalgae and low-rank coal: Thermal behavior and kinetic characteristics. Bioresource Technology 2018, 268: 672-676.

[6]      Zhiqiang Wu, Wangcai Yang, Yaowu Li, Bolun Yang*. Co-pyrolysis behavior of microalgae biomass and low-quality coal: Products distributions, char-surface morphology, and synergistic effects. Bioresource Technology 2018, 255:238-245 if 5.651

[7]      Zhiqiang Wu, Wangcai Yang, Bolun Yang*. Thermal characteristics and surface morphology of char during co-pyrolysis of low-rank coal blended with microalgal biomass: Effects of Nannochloropsis and Chlorella. Bioresource Technology 2018, 249:501-509.

[8]      Zhiqiang Wu*, Yaowu Li, Donghai Xu, Haiyu Meng. Co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass with low-quality coal: Optimal design and synergistic effect from gaseous products distribution. Fuel 2019, 236: 43-54.

[9]      Zhiqiang Wu, Shuzhong Wang*, Zhengyuan Luo, Lin Chen, Haiyu Meng, Jun Zhao. Physico-chemical properties and gasification reactivity of co-pyrolysis char from different rank of coal blended with lignocellulosic biomass: Effects of the cellulose. Bioresource Technology 2017, 235: 256–264

[10]  Zhiqiang Wu, Wangcai Yang, Haiyu Meng, Jun Zhao, Lin Chen, Zhengyuan Luo, Shuzhong Wang*. Physicochemical structure and gasification reactivity of co-pyrolysis char from two kinds of coal blended with lignocellulosic biomass: Effects of the carboxymethylcellulose sodium. Applied Energy 2017,207:96-106.

[11]  Zhiqiang Wu, Haiyu Meng, Zhengyuan Luo, Lin Chen, Jun Zhao, Shuzhong Wang*. Performance evaluation on co-gasification of bituminous coal and wheat straw in entrained flow gasification system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2017, 42(30): 18884-18893.

[12]    Zhiqiang Wu, Shuzhong Wang*, Jun Zhao, Lin Chen, Haiyu Meng. Product Distribution during Co-pyrolysis of Bituminous Coal and Lignocellulosic Biomass Major Components in a Drop-Tube Furnace. Energy&Fuels 2015, 29(7): 4168-4180.

[13]    Zhiqiang Wu, Shuzhong Wang*, Jun Zhao, Lin Chen, Haiyu Meng. Synergistic effect on thermal behavior during co-pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass model components blend with bituminous coal. Bioresource Technology 2014, 169: 220-228.

[14]    Zhiqiang Wu, Shuzhong Wang*, Jun Zhao, Lin Chen, Haiyu Meng. Thermal Behavior and Char Structure Evolution of Bituminous Coal Blends with Edible Fungi Residue during Co-Pyrolysis. Energy&Fuels 2014, 28(3):1792-1801.
